Dangers of being seduced by ‘market noise’

In these days of the 24-hour news cycle, and the ease of access to a huge and varied array of news, data sources, opinions and instant updates, how do investors deal with the continuous bombardment of ‘market noise’ when arriving at their investing decisions? Over supply of information A constant stream of news, views and […]

Get to the point

A couple of weeks ago one of this Journal’s readers, Ray, provided this comment in response to the blog on mastering a skill. “Gary. You take too long to get to the point. You are boring me and I don’t have the time to listen to all that hype in return for a snippet of […]

How far can the Dow Jones go? Part 2

Following on from my previous blog, in the discussion with my fellow golfing member I told him that the great majority of investors in Australia are NOT active in the share market at the moment. Retail investor activity in the stock market is at multi-decade lows and retail investor sentiment towards shares is at the […]

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