You Shouldn’t Invest A Cent Without A Verified Statistical Edge…
In last week’s article, I explained why timing the market is a strategy that, if set up and executed correctly, has the greatest potential to get you long-term market-beating returns. And when I talked about the must-have elements for creating such a strategy, I mentioned the “Statistical Edge.” In fact, I said that without a […]
Dangers of being seduced by ‘market noise’
In these days of the 24-hour news cycle, and the ease of access to a huge and varied array of news, data sources, opinions and instant updates, how do investors deal with the continuous bombardment of ‘market noise’ when arriving at their investing decisions? Over supply of information A constant stream of news, views and […]
The biggest problem with Newsletters (part 2)
This week I will relate a real life story from a subscriber to an Australian newsletter. This story highlights what is probably the biggest problem with newsletter story writers. This problem was identified in one of the comments, by Ralph, to last week’s blog. In David Letterman style, to a drum roll, the NUMBER ONE […]
4 Gut Busting Lessons I’ve Learnt From my 20+ Years in the Markets (Part 2)
This is my last post for 2013 and I want to thank everyone that has contributed their thoughts and experiences on the Gary Stone Journal. I hope that you have enjoyed my commentary and have been able to take away some of the lessons and principles that I have come to learn over the past […]